Showing Resources: 1 - 8 of 8
A. W. De Berry Law Practice Collection
The account book of A. W. De Berry is for his law practice in Carthage, Panola County, Texas, 1871-1873. It lists the names of De Berry's clients, the legal services he provided to them, and the fees De Berry charged for his work.
Billie B. Kemper Research Collection on Lindley Beckworth
This collection consists of correspondence and research material for Kemper's graduate thesis on Lindley Beckworth, lawyer, Texas legislator, and U.S. representative, of Gilmer, Texas. There are also 28 oral history interviews (OH-1767 to OH-1794) on cassette tape that have been integrated into the separate Oral History Collection.
C. Smith Ramsey Papers
The Ramsey Collection consists chiefly of correspondence relating to some of Ramsey's experiences.
James Joseph Greve Papers
Papers of a former Nacogdoches County, Texas, attorney regarding warranty deeds, execution of wills, deeds of sale, deeds of trust, oil and gas leases, divorces, quit claim deeds, promissory notes, fire insurance policy, field notes and vendors lien notes
Minton & Minton Legal Collection
Peyton Forbes Edwards Ledger
Stamped "General Index - Peyton F. Edwards" the ledger serves as an index to Dockets D and E of an unidentified record of judgments. The names included in the index are those of Nacogdoches residents of the period.
Russell-Cronkrite Family Papers
An addition was made to this collection which consists chiefly of the business correspondence, personal correspondence and miscellaneous legal and business papers of A. T. Russell Also included are photographs, various mementos, newspaper clippings, and other family materials collected by Josephine Russell, daughter of Clara Cronkrite and A. T. Russell.