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Henry Pochmann - Essay, "William Faulkner and Rebelais: The Dog Story," by Joel A. Hunt; and Pochmann's review of that essay, 1969-1970

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 20

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The first two boxes of the collection pertain to Ruth Pochmann. The collection includes her correspondence with various editors, personal correspondence and letters about awards and honors. A biographical sketch or "vita" of Mrs. Pochmann by Essie Richardson and an article and program about Mrs. Pochmann receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award of 1981 at SFA are contained in the collection. There are also many pages of handwritten notes by Mrs. Pochmann. ...

Some notes are about Mrs. Pochmann's heritage and training. Most of the notes pertain to topics she may have discussed in her radio broadcasts for WHA such as crafts, hobbies, antiques, home building and furnishing, jewelry, antique glass, china, pottery, and furniture. Several typescripts of her radio broadcasts about antiques are included. Mrs. Pochmann's brother, W. C. (Casey) Fouts, of Nacogdoches, is mentioned often in the collection.

The boxes contain correspondence, notes, clippings, and articles pertaining to Mrs. Pochmann's book, 'Triple Ridge Farm.' The typed manuscript called 'A Farm is to Love' by Ruth Pochmann eventually became the book 'Triple Ridge Farm.' There is also a 1967 typed manuscript of 'Triple Ridge Farm' and an account of the experiences Mrs. Pochmann and her family had while reclaiming a rocky hill farm near Coloma, Wisconsin.

The third through the sixth boxes of the collection pertain to Dr. Pochmann. The collection has his correspondence with Harold S. Jantz of Clark University in Worcester, MA during the 1940s in which they critique one another's writings. Also included is Dr. Pochmann's correspondence with Karl J. Arndt of Clark University's German Department who helped him write a 'Biographical Dictionary of German-American Editors and Journalists.' There is also personal correspondence with A. W. Birdwell and some relatives.

There are programs, articles and correspondence about the Conference on Immigration in American History, held at the University of Minnesota January 29-30, 1960. Dr. Pochmann gave a speech entitled "The Migration of Ideas" at the conference. In 1961, the published proceedings included his speech were published. Dr. Henry S. Commager edited the volume, entitled 'Immigration and American History.'

Programs, notes, and a map about conventions of the Modern Language Association are also included. The collection has programs, mementos, speeches, awards, honors, clippings, articles, and biographies about Dr. Pochmann. There is one reel of microfilm, a typescript of the manuscript for Dr. Pochmann's book, 'German Culture in America: Philosophical and Literary Influences, 1600-1900,' as well as articles and reviews about the book. Articles, notes, reviews, and pamphlets about other works of Dr. Pochmann are included.

The sixth box of the collection contains some correspondence and research about Mark Twain as well as fifteen essays written by Dr. Pochmann's students for his Mark Twain Seminars during 1966-1968.

The seventh box contains articles, book reviews, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and notes about Henry and Ruth Pochmann; manuscripts of other authors; Round Top, TX, Henry Pochmann's hometown; Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Round Top; Henry Pochmann's great grandfather Traugott Wantkeand, who built the pipe organ of Bethlehem Lutheran Church; and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson's visit to Round Top in 1967 are also included.

Box eight has original writings of Ruth Pochmann, including poetry, a play and fictional as well as non-fictional prose, some of which have been entered in contests. She took a creative writing course taught by Sinclair Lewis at the University of Wisconsin in 1945 and the collection has some class notes about Lewis and his advice to his students. There are diary notes by Mrs. Pochmann from 1969-1970. The collection features tributes to Henry Pochmann, an extended vita and some additional book reviews.

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  • Creation: 1969-1970

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research.


From the Collection: 3.00 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials
