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Henry Parks Garrison Letters

Identifier: A-0057

Henry Parks Garrison Letters

Identifier: A-0057

Typescripts of correspondence between Garrison and family members during his Confederate military service. Includes material on politics, camp conditions, social life, combat, inflation, and family matters.

His letters encompass the years of 1860 to 1863 and relate to his family the details of army life, battles he fought during the Civil War, and the hardships suffered by the Confederate troops. The letters convey his hopes for a quick end to the rebellion and that the Confederacy would be ultimately victorious. As the conflict continued, however, Garrison’s letters reveal the darker undertones of a war weary soldier who wanted to go home and see his family.

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research.

Creation: 1860-1863
0.10 Cubic Feet
Related Names
Garrison, Henry Parks
Garrison, Henry Parks
Language of Materials

Box 1

 Box — Box: 1
Language of Materials