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J. M. Cartwright Papers

Identifier: A-0036

Scope and Contents

Day books, account books and bills from J. M. Cartwright's store in Nat, Texas from which he peddled into other East Texas towns. Also includes tax receipts, correspondence, and business advertisements, genealogical material concerning Lewis, Campbell and Radley families. The bulk of the collection covers the period of the 1870s through the 1890s.


  • Creation: 1858-1931
  • Event: Donated in 1978


Language of Materials

The collection is in English.

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research.

Biographical or Historical Information

J. M. Cartwright lived in the Nat community in Nacogdoches County, Texas. He was a farmer and peddler who visited and noted in his Day Book activities and events occurring in such area communities as Nacogdoches, Wells, Douglass, Alto, Atoy, Looneyville, Crossroads, and Rusk. Mr. Cartwright also served as a Deputy Sheriff of Nacogdoches County.

(Frazier, Shonda."Cartwright, James M." Nacogdoches County Families. Dallas: Curtis Media Corp., 1985. p. 203; "J. M. Cartwright Papers." East Texas Research Center. Ralph W. Steen Library. Stephen F. Austin State University).


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This collection is described in 10 folders and housed in two clamshell boxes. The collection is organized at the folder-level.

Separated Materials


(1) The Houston Post Almanac, 2nd ed., 1897.

(2) The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Texas... Houston, A. C. Gray, 1873.

(3) Uniform Constitution for the Government of Subordinate Lodges, I.O.O.F. of Texas; also, Uniform Constitution for the Lodges of the Daughters of Rebekah..., Galveston, The News, 1876.

(4) The Gospel According to Saint Matthew... New York, American Bible Society, 1915.

Guide to the J. M. Cartwright Papers
Jane Dye and Linda Nicklas
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the East Texas Research Center Repository
