Showing Resources: 61 - 80 of 667
Billie B. Kemper Research Collection on Lindley Beckworth
This collection consists of correspondence and research material for Kemper's graduate thesis on Lindley Beckworth, lawyer, Texas legislator, and U.S. representative, of Gilmer, Texas. There are also 28 oral history interviews (OH-1767 to OH-1794) on cassette tape that have been integrated into the separate Oral History Collection.
Birdwell Family Papers
Joel Birdwell family land documents from Nacogdoches and Rusk Counties.
Blount Family Papers
Abstracts of title and correspondence of the Nacogdoches family and materials relating to the Nacogdoches Oil Mill Company.
Board of Regents
The collection is made up of Board Minutes and Reports to the Board.
Bob Fagelson Collection
This collection contains articles, magazines, maps, newsletters, photographs, magazines, pamphlets, and other published material relating to the China-Burma-India theater of World War II. The bulk of the collection consists of full and partial issues of the Hump Pilot's Association quarterly newsletter and the China-Burma-India Veteran Association's monthly magazine 'CBI Sound-Off'.
Bob Pierce Letters
Bondies, Rohte and Co. Collection
This ledger book has accounts of customers and shows the prices of vinegar, boots, shirts, cloth, coffee, hats, buttons, whiskey, tobacco, flour, tin buckets, and other items.
Bone Family Letters
Bone Family Papers
Included in the collection of letters between Dr. Bone and Minerva are letters to the Bones from family and friends, report forms from the post office at Douglass, and two poems (probably written by Dr. Bone). Typescripts for most of the papers in the collection are in a booklet in Box 2. Several 19th century newspapers belonging to Dr. Bone are cataloged and shelved with the newspaper bundles.
Bonnie and Clyde Research Collection
"Bestselling author Jeff Guinn combines exhaustive research with surprising, newly discovered material to tell the real tale of two kids from a filthy Dallas slum who fell in love and then willingly traded their lives for a brief interlude of excitement and, more important, fame. "Go Down Together" has it all—true romance, rebellion against authority, bullets flying, cars crashing, and, in the end, a dramatic death at the hands of a celebrity lawman."
Boosters Club, Nacogdoches, Texas Records
Boynton-Binford Letters
The letters describe Central and East Texas -- the land, weather, transportation, business. They discuss philosophy of love and marriage. Places mentioned include Auburn and Crawford, Alabama; and Henderson, Waxahachie, Dallas, Larissa, and Jamestown, Texas.
Brileytown Baptist Church Records
Consists of six ledgers of meeting minutes, one ledger of church membership and one cash ledger.
Brown and Dixon Company Records
This collection consists of cash books and ledgers of the Brown & Dixon company.
Bryan Holt Davis Collection
Bryan J. Reynolds Papers
This collection consists of a notebook of carbon typescripts of poems, some of which are signed by the author, plus two poems xeroxed from the SFA student publication, Pulp. The poems offer a variety of settings. Many are about the sea and ports, others are set in East Texas, France and Spain. The author expresses concern about the World War in Europe and has tributes to three favorite authors, Edgar Allan Poe, Guy de Maupassant and Carl Sandburg.
Budget Office
Bureau of East Texas Research
The bulk of this collection is made up of correspondence by Dr. Robert Maxwell trying to solicit materials for the Bureau.
Burk-Bone Family Letters
Typed transcriptions of correspondence, poems and newspaper clippings relating to the Burk and Bone families of Nacogdoches County.